Which Providers are Using SHARE?
Who Shares? Hospitals, doctors, nurses, surgeons, provider practices, behavioral health, and other health care professionals are using SHARE to provide their patients with the best possible care.
How to Use the 'Who SHARES' Interactive Map
Step 1: Search by City, State or Search by Category.
- Narrowing your search by city and state will initially give you a list of facilities/hospitals within a 10 mile radius. A Distance Range slider tool will then appear to further narrow your search.
- Narrowing by category allows you to limit your list to one of the following:
- Facilities Accessing
- Facilities Contributing
- Hospitals Connected
Step 2: Search by Facility / Hospital.
- The dropdown list will only display the 5 closest facilities/hospitals in the search area narrowed by Step 1.
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Facilities / Hospitals: 0