How SHARE Works with ACOs and CINs
SHARE routes patient encounter data to subscribing organizations like ACOs/CINs, ambulatory practices, hospitals, and health plans in real-time. SHARE enables the Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) & Clinically Integrated Networks (CINs) as well as the clinicians and care managers to receive timely notifications about hospitalizations, act promptly, and direct patients to the most appropriate care settings while reducing avoidable utilization and increasing Transitional Care Management (TCM) revenue.

ACO/CIN Benefits
- SHARE reduces interface costs and is the vehicle to push data to ACO/CIN
- SHARE connects the referral pattern from physicians to a hospital or service center
- Provide prior and current encounter histories to include but not limited to:
- Clinical Data
- Laboratory Results
- Radiology Results
- Discharge Summaries
- Diagnosis, Vitals, and Problems
- Demographics
- SDOH (Social Needs)
- Allergies
- Immunizations
- Medications
- Continuity of Care Documents (CCDs)
- Laboratory Notification Reports
- DCFS Foster Care Custody Change Reports
- 24- Hour Daily Hospitalization Reports (ED and Inpatient Discharges)
- 30 – Day Readmission Reports to connected hospitals