
The Arkansas Attorney General’s office has become aware of increased phishing attempts targeting health care professionals. OHIT reminds its users that we do not send unsolicited emails requesting your login or personal information. If you receive a suspicious email that appears to be from SHARE or OHIT please notify your facility’s privacy or security staff.

SHARE Has Released an Unvaccinated Medicaid Report

For a limited time, Arkansas Medicaid has increased the reimbursement rate for COVID19 Vaccination from $40 to $100.

In order to assist with increasing the Medicaid’s population COVID19 vaccination rate, SHARE has released the Unvaccinated Medicaid Report. This report alerts Medicaid providers on attributed patients that have not yet received a dose of the COVID19 vaccine. Reports are sent out weekly, on Wednesdays, via DirectTrust Secure Messaging and it includes Medicaid patient’s name, date of birth, and contact info. Primary care providers across the state are utilizing this new report to contact Medicaid patients, provide education, and address any concerns the patient may have around receiving a COVID19 Vaccine.

SHARE also continues to send out to providers a daily report of patients that have received COVID19 vaccination and a daily report to alert them if a patient tests positive for COVID19.